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We are your 3D printing partner for the furniture industry
By leveraging the benefits of 3D printing in the furniture industry, your...
realize creative designs cost-efficiently, quickly and in significant quantities.
Oursr comprehensive Portfolio not only offers you advantages with regard to the final product, but you can also benefit from it in terms of the production resources in your company.
Möbelbeschläge 3D-Druck und lackiert | Kleiderständer "Mikado" aus Holz und 3D-Druck | Deckenleuchte aus Holz und 3D-Druck |
3D-gedruckte Vasen | Deckenleuchte aus Holz und 3D-Druck | Garderobenset aus Holz und 3D-Druck |
3D-gedruckte Büroaccessoires | Beistelltisch aus Holz und 3D-Druck | 3D-gedruckte Funktionsteile |
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